Monday 8 April 2013

heyxx i know this is ment to be about my msp life
but i thought i would tell you about my bffl +lipseyloo0909
 shes amazing ,pretty and funny heres a little bit about her
is she vip:yes
shes also my twin on msp
this is her profile

i have loads to say about her.Like times we have had,when weve been totally random,the best times basicly so i will only tell you a few.

we were on msp just randomly talking then some one did the diamond ride omg it was so fun we both got loads of sc as there was only a few people in that vip chatroom YAY!

we were in the middle of a sad moment cant remember why it was sad but suddenly i said do u like waffles i dont eww and she said yes i do so then i said do u like pancakes i do she says YES!

thats it for now

katie xx lol!

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